This puzzle was a delight. The removal of "in" in the long answers and replacing it with the key noun, places the noun literally
in the answer --- clever. And there were so many
GOOD ONES!"Remote location?" SOFA
"Musician's forte?" LOUD [
forte means loud]
"Hot rod rod" AXLE
"Green dispenser" ATM
"Thumb" HITCH [...a ride. I was thinking nouns.]
"Corn site" TOE
"Blue books?" SMUT [not the college test variety]
"Debugging application?" DEET [active ingredient in insect repellant]
"Pitches between innings?" ADS
I noted two sets of answers which might have been linked: APERY and MIMIC [copy]; OAKY and CASK [wine].
I loved this puzzle despite its use of ACER which is never used in tennis. As I mentioned about a month ago, ACER is a major computer company.