Wascally Wabbit! Given the theme of intrusive W’s in phrases, I don’t get the meaning of the title, “Wide-eyed.”
Ticker tape? ECG
White team SOX
Dandy guy? JIM
Dot-com start-up? WWW [also a key to the theme]
Short agreement IDO
Periodic table period? MEALTIME
Theme entries:
Sale at the helicopter dealer? WHIRLYBIRDSPECIAL
Lacking lingerie? OUTOFTHINWEAR
Sweater under the tree? CHRISTMASWEAVE
Homo sapiens’ cleverness? THEWILEOFMAN
Get a whiff of this ODOR [
odor is nominative but the clue is not]
Like green peppers UNRIPE [really needs the modifier “at times”]
Three grins = Excellent: Loved it; Two grins = Good: Enjoyed it; One grin = Satisfactory: A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Unsatisfying: No fun