Seventh day activity" REST [never thought of rest as an activity]
"Modeling accessory" DECAL [I first thought "tiara"]
"Hard cash?" COIN [could be "cold, hard cash"]
"Room in a big house?" CELL [also a room in a simple house {monk's cell}]
"Ivory tower milieu" for ACADEMIA is a common expression, but as a one-time academic, I never felt I was in a tower, and if I were, the tower would hardly have been ivory.
I guess I'm too old to appreciate e-texting abbreviations. I assume MYOB means mind your own business, but is there really a need? How often, after all, does someone use that expression in writing? Are all expressions fodder for such short-cutting? Would PPTP be understood for "please pass the potatoes"? How about WWOTS for "while we're on the subject"? I suggest for the lexicon, wherever it's printed, the addition of PU for "particularly upsetting."
I didn't know chili was rated by its ALARM rating, as in a "five alarm fire." It's clever.