Lots of Good Ones!"Pickup trick" LINE [if it's a good one]
"Priceless?" FREE
"Development sites" WOMBS
"Net grazers" LETS [tennis do-over]
"Small wrapper?" ELF [a tough one]
"Tip of Massachusetts" ONEILL
"Big cat sign" LEO [astrological sign: I first thought Catepillar tractors but "cat" is lower case]
"Delivery notice?" ITSABOY
"Moat site" ZOO [I was thinking castles]
"Peaked" ILL [two-syllables]
Some interesting duos:
"Development sites" and "Delivery notice?"
"Hardly a knockout" + "Knockouts attract them"
POPGUN + SODAPOP [both "pops" are rare today]
HERMAN + COREA [Big Band Era musicians]
Never heard of Bill Murray's ZISSOU flick and suspect I may have been lucky.
Crossing two variants, SHERDS and POROSE, is an oddity.
I've heard "El Cheapo" but never CREEPO. Sounds like Valley Girl dialogue in a teen movie.