THEME: Successive synonyms start phrases yet the first and last "synonyms" are antonyms [from HOT to COLD]
GOOD ONES: I believe this theme is the most creative of all.
What each successive {theme} SYNONYM
What the start of {the first phrase} is to the the {last phrase} ANTONYM Els with clubs ERNIE [the golfer --- but to me "els" were elevated train tracks and the clubs were weapons: Oh how I miss Brooklyn!]
5 for B or 6 for C AT. NO. [from the periodic table which I haven't seen since high school --- but I appreciate the too rare "science" entry]
Theatrical piece? TOUPEE [oddly a toupee (& a gun) is called simply a piece]
BTW: Some email enders PS'S [yesterday's MSS is as passe as
post scripts for emails since we type {or "keyboard" to be more fashionable and clumsy}]
Good, in Hebrew TOV [With so many Jewish writers, publishers, and movie moguls; Mozel Tov is a well-known expression meaning "good luck."]
Don's good taste is shown in referring to Annabella SCIORRA who was never better than in her guest role as a seductive car salesman in
The Sopranos. (My wife thinks I like her because she's Italian, but she's wrong: Madonna and Lady GaGa.)
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun