THEME: names of lizards written in an arc as if they were leaping
GOOD ONES: Classic comics catchphrase {& theme} LEAPIN' LIZARDS
Common sense SMELL
Nice word MOT [I know, but we use bon mot in English]
Geisha's band OBI [the images I get of a geisha band (glam rock?) make me laugh --- the definition of incongruity]
BTW: Pace maker? FOOT [isn't it the leg --- "a duel at 30 paces"]
That, in Madrid ESO [but not in London --- go with "Eso Beso"]
This odd grid supports a clever theme. (typical grid can fold into exact quadrants; this one can only be folded in half, left to right, to match)
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun