THEME: TANG is part of a phrase; TANG spelled backwards is GNAT; a GNAT flies; and the old joke "…doing the backstroke" suggests the fly in the clue (GNAT) is backwards
GOOD ONES: 2/3, say DATE
BTW: Several A FEW [tin-earism: A FEW is not "a lot": we say "quite a few" for
Raise your hand if you figured out this theme and if it was worth the effort?
I did enjoy the fills, especially LeRoy Anderson's "Blue Tango," one of my favorite recordings from my childhood. Raise your hand if you knew this one right off. (my hand's raised like a kid in class showing off)
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun