THEME: each word of a two-word phrase begins and ends with the same letter
GOOD ONES: Both words... {& theme} LETTER [theme must have been hard to come up with]
Time of your life OLD AGE [it is for me, both ways]
Parts opposite points ERASER HEADS [hard to read the clue which at first makes no sense --- "the opposite of a part (pencil) that has a point"]
BTW: Betta tankmate TETRA [couldn't a been a betta clue: that's the way we said it in Brooklyn]
They have hoods and racks OVENS [sounds a bit like s&m, but despite their being called "oven hoods," aren't they really
range hoods?]
Jueves no es bueno.
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun