THEME: none; 32 blocks
GOOD ONES: Luncheon follower? ETTE
Monterrey jack? PESOS
Prison buddy? PEN PAL
BTW: Some parlors, briefly OTB [Do they exist any longer?]
Pierre's pinch SEL [ it's a poor clue in any language: a pinch is an amount; salt is palpable --- SEL as salt maybe ok given that it may be found on menus, but I'd go with the Mercedes model SEL]
Rose in a big way TOWERED [grammatically, TOWERED is intransitive (it has no object); so the building
in situ TOWERED; it did not "rise." It helps to think of the verbal as a modifier.]
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun