THEME: phrases with an added long IO combined sound
GOOD ONES: Contest to win an objet d'art? RACE FOR THE CURIO [race for the cure, long U]
TV station mascot? STUDIO CHICKEN [stewed chicken /long u/]
Man of steel? ROBOT [unless he's made of titanium or plastic, which I guess they will be]
Comprehensive command SAVE ALL [didn't think computers]
Sandwich ingredient for many? SILENT D [irritating elision of the D-sound in the word my relatives (and I) pronounced "sangwich" --- probably from sangua, It. for blood]
Domingo number ARIA [could've been a Sunday hymn in Spain]
BTW: I OWE YOU ONE title seems backwards as the I and O were placed there by the constructor (I); we have an I and O too many. Maybe "I'm O'd a Refund."
"DO HONOR to" seems below standard because HONOR works without the detritus.
BS DEGREES: Always thought my degrees in English should have been so termed leaving the science degrees for something less suggestive or descriptive.
I was unaware of having engaged in CANOODLING, but let be be quick to state unequivocally: we never inhaled!
Crossing MASH
IE with both POUT
INE and SH
EA (butter) seems a tad Scrooge-like .
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun