THEME: phrases containing letters T, H, I, N separated by other letters
GOOD ONES: Weakening, in a way, {& theme} WEARING THIN
Problem with pictures REBUS [I thought the pictures had a problem]
Occasions for shooting stars? PHOTO OPS
BTW: The theme clue says the phrases are
"literally" wearing the word thin. Problem is phrases don't wear anything literally. Maybe if the modifier were "literarily" I could enjoy the rest of my day.
How can it be that I remember that Certs contained RETSYN, which sounds like a portmanteau for pepsin and rennin? Is advertising so profound?
Bk. Before Phillippians EPH [that's Ephesians, but what is amazing that in my teens I was taught a mnemonic for NT letters, and now I know why --- if it comes up in a Xword half a century later I'd know. Retsyn and Ephesians in one day!
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun