THEME: phrase with IT subtracted creates an alternative phrase
GOOD ONES: "Never mind" [& theme] FORGET ABOUT IT
Bear with backup musicians? SMOKEY AND THE BAND[IT]
Home of robot jugglers and digital clowns? ELECTRIC CIRCU[IT]S
Start to celebrate? SOFT C
Acts like an opposite? ATTRACTS
Ball focus BELLE [belle of the ball]
BTW: The title,
"Never Mind," seems to refer to the FORGET ABOUT IT entry, not the theme. I'd have gone with "It's Missing."
Average mark CEE [not sure that it's true in the age of grade inflation]
Barrie baddie SMEE [was he bad or just a foil to Captain Hook?]
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun