THEME: both words of a phrase can precede DANCE
GOOD ONES: Contemporary poetry contest? MODERN SLAM
Hardly hipsters? SQUARE FOLK
Hitching post? ALTAR
Rolling rock LAVA [not the beer: note lower case R]
Imitate a hot dog? PANT [overheated canines]
Flower children? SEEDS [not hippies]
Grateful, maybe? ASHES [actually they fall through the grate, but some ash sits atop]
Pull the plug on DRAIN [not cancel]
Sewer line? HEM [tailor, not waste pipe]
Record holder? FELON
G on a sax? KENNY [Kenny G, the musician]
BTW: Assist with DO FOR [assist means
help, not "take over for"]
I appreciated the wide-ranging subject matter.
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun