LOTS OF GOOD ONES!Subbed SATIN [not the fabric, oddly]
Where It.'s at EUR [Italy is in Europe]
Choice from a list WINE [I thought computers]
Turkey tender LIRAS [that's money (tender) in Turkey]
Tots' pops DADA [not the artist]
Ali's pair of socks? ONETWO [punch combination]
Brings back on board REHIRES [I was thinking ships]
Diamond theft? STEAL [baseball ploy]
Self starter? HER [not the familiar "towel word"]
Is GETON correct for "Tease"? The Brits say "have on." I'd go with "Rib."
"Obsolescent data holder" for FLOPPY doesn't seem right --- unless "floppy" by itself means "floppy disc." I'd go with "Disc sort."