JJJXX Chain letters? MTNS [clever but tough]
Some like em’ tough. I do, but I have some questions:
Like protozoa MOTILE [Isn’t this true of all living things?]
Pulp figure DAME [In pulp fiction we find every titled personage, so I don’t see the particular connection.]
Tiny paper clip, e.g. ICON [This is tough; it’s that annoying helper in Microsoft programs. But there are so many icons that it seems the only way to get this answer is by answering those around it. If I used “car” to clue “token” wouldn’t that be a bit unsporting? In Monopoly, of course, it’s easy.]
Mess up, as a punch line MISTIME [Messing up the punch line suggests getting the words wrong more than mistiming. I’d go with “Missing {or “Not hitting} a change-up.”]
PUTABIDON [Is that the expression or is it simply “bid on”?]
What is Trillian and what are
IMS? Guess I’ve allowed too much of the electronic world pass me by. (At least I knew Droid
“Chestnuts roasting…” co-writer TORME [Isn’t it wonderful that two of the best Christmas songs were written by Jews! Irving Berlin wrote “White Christmas.” Do you think today we have as much unity?]
Akkadian king… SARGON [“That’s ancient history!”]
Three grins = Excellent: Loved it; Two grins = Good: Enjoyed it; One grin = Satisfactory: A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Unsatisfying: No fun