WSJ gives 2 options for sending in a puzzle for submission:
1. "Send a text file" I am using Wordpad. Can I use an .rtf file (Rich Text File as saved by Wordpad) or should I send it as a .jpeg? [If if try to save it as a .txt. (if that's what WSJ means), Wordpad will remove all formatting].
2. "Send AcrossLite .puz file" I am using Crossword Compiler, which WSJ does not accept. I do not want to download AcrossLite. Judging from google images, the AcrossLite format looks somewhat akin to a printed crossword in the newspaper. If so, maybe I can save my one-page Crossword Compiler crossword with grid, filled-in answers, and clues as a .jpeg and send that?
Thanks for your time.
P.S. It doesn't sound as if WSJ wants any crossword grids (filled-in or blank) if one is sending in a text file?