I think this will answer your question.
Gold Memberships are given to those who make contributions toward the cost of running this site. These memberships do expire after a period of time to ensure continued contributions (and to ensure the continued existence of the site). I encourage those who find the database tool useful to contribute $35 per year. If the database helps you create and sell just one puzzle, you've already made back your investment!
The easiest way to make a donation is via PayPal. When you do this, your membership and expiry date are set immediately and you get access to the goodies with no delay. This is assuming your PayPal email address is the same as the one you used to register on this site. If this is not the case, I'll have to set your membership manually.
$35 Donation = One-year Gold Membership
$100 Donation = Three-year Gold Membership
If you make a donation and you already have time left on your membership, the membership is extended by the appropriate period of time. For example, if your membership expires on Dec. 16, 2008 and you make a $100 donation, the new expiry date is Dec. 16, 2011.
Convinced? Then carry on to the Donation Page where you can make a donation via Paypal or find out where to send a check.