But more often than not, the set of clues I come up with is pretty bland.
What do you mean by "pretty bland"?
So I was wondering: What are your strategies in coming up with clues? Also, are there any good references or resources out there that you use to help brainstorm?
I haven't been able to successfully build a complete grid yet - my biggest obstacle. This is mainly for coming up with words/phrases that are interesting to me that'll work with the themers I have in the places I have them - probably could if I did allow that "bleh" feeling to creep in. From what I gather in all of my puzzle solving and what I've read, the words in your grid (i.e. "sparkling fill" according to the guides here) are what keeps it from being "pretty bland" - which is why I asked what you meant by that exactly.
As for clue writing (something I got a whole lot more confidence in when I get to that point),
a lot depends on your theme and your targeted difficulty (day). The big key is making sure your clues are syntactically correct and interesting. Monday clues are going to (perhaps) be a lot more "pretty bland" simply because you want to point them more directly to the answer, while you get to play around more with later week stuff. Your chosen theme, and the prerogative of the editor will play a large part in how much of your clues survive if the editor takes the grid. Several of those "advice posts" to the left also suggest to not be too "cute" with a lot of your clue writing, which may be the kind of advice you're needing. Note several puzzles are cataloged in different places, and you can always use them to look up your fill words and see how they have been clued in other grids.
So maybe your advice might be the same that I probably need to take with my grid building: To not worry so much. Hard to tell, though.
See also, this.Not sure how much of this helped, but hopefully it does.