THEME: food homonyms substituted in phrases
GOOD ONES: Title: Playing with your food Group that thrived during the borscht era? BEET GENERATION [the Beat Generation actually coincided with the Borscht Belt hayday]
Cake recipe overhaul? TORTE REFORM
They might be game FOWL [they're certainly not up for the game]
Intro to physics? ASTRO-
Gently or quietly? ADVERB
Lover's end? -PHILE [scared for a moment, then I thought end as in purpose --- wrong again!]
Impressionist's forte APING [I was sure COLOR was right]
Advance in the race? EVOLVE [if you believe all evolution is advancement e.g., most dinosaurs left the sea]
Gut reactions? OOFS
Bed intruders WEEDS [thought it was a person's bed for sleeping]
Pod opener? TRI-
Sumac from Peru YMA [if you've ever heard her you'd know she was poison Sumac]
Explosion sources HOTHEADS
BTW: Farce set in a sandwich shop? RYE COMEDY [except farces are the opposite of rye --- "skits" would be better than "farce"]
Juan's first lady EVA [not only Peron, but the generic Spaniard's first lady would be EVA, our Eve]
His, to Henri SES [in sociology and in education "socio-economic status" is routinely referred to as SES]
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun