Spelled-out letters, such as EMS, ESS, ELL, CEE, DEE and VEE, are appearing more frequently in crosswords. Why do such spellings even exist? Why isn't the letter S simply spelled as "S"? Why can't D be spelled as "D"? Turning individual letters into three-letter words is ESS-TEE-U-PEE-I-DEE!
SEI, NEIN, MEA, TERRE, TETE, TRES, CASA, ANNO, BIEN, MER, ELLA, ESOS, SRA, ENERO and other foreign words should not be used in American crosswords. The English language has more than enough words to fill a puzzle grid. Crossword creators have more than 1,025,000 words to choose from:
http://www.languagemonitor.com/number-of-words/number-of-words-in-the-english-language-1008879/ I liked the clever clue for PASTTENSE: "Acceptable form of back talk?"