THEME: none
GOOD ONES: Darn things SEW [I read it first as "darned"]
Berth place WHARF
Farm addition? STEAD
Almond relative ECRU [I thought some nut I never heard of]
It can be used to make gin DISCARD PILE [as in gin rummy]
BTW: Snicker follower SNEE [the expression is "snick or snee"; if the term "snickersnee" is meant, then the clue needs a question mark as in "Farm addition?" at 48-Down]
Tool for making precise crosscuts MITER SAW [yes, but when I want (not that I always get) precision, I use a table saw]
[for a themeless, this was an enjoyable challenge]
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun