THEME: intrusive U in phrases
GOOD ONES: Soda fountain? SWEET SPOUT [sweet spot]
One hyping the spud industry? TATER TOUT [Tater Tot frozen food]
Court case involving a Brit. tennis player and a rake? ROUE V WADE [Roe v. Wade (Virginia)]
High crime, briefly DUI [I imagine it is, both ways]
Big bang material TNT [note lower case B; and like God, Big Bang is capitalized. Wonder what Big Bang material would be.]
Gets in on the deal ANTES
Neon borders? ENS [neon has two N's]
It may be bid ADIEU ["as we bid a fond adieu to the charming Parisians"]
Clerical worker PRIEST
End-of-the line item LURE [fishing line, that is]
BTW: Emotional wounds TRAUMA [needs "at times" since most traumas are physical --- but don't tell your Psych professor. Or just eliminate "emotional."]
Homer, for one TOON [doesn't this need "character" since TOON refers to the cartoon's name: "The Simpsons"?]
Filled (in) CLUED [odd that in Xwords we fill in the answers, not the clues]
Little, in Lille
PEU [exactly, but not in London. I say peuw!]
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun