THEME: phrases reinterpreted as apt addresses
GOOD ONES: Apt address for petrologists? ROCKY ROAD
Apt address for an Orlando team? MAGIC SQUARE
Apt address for photographers? FLASH DRIVE
Apt address for Australian zookeepers? KANGAROO COURT
Apt address for a milkman? MILKY WAY
It's a gas OZONE
Subj. for aliens ESL [is it PC to refer to ESL students as aliens?]
Honey substitute? DEARIE
Liberal group? ARTS
Nanny follower CAM [both as a phrase and as a function]
Two in seventy-five? VEES
Grate stuff ASH
Kick starter? KAY [a way to spell K]
BTW: Old style golf wear KNICKERS [many baseball players still wear them]
AMOI is not appropriate.
Must be one of the year's best. Thanks, John.
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun