E I, E I, Ho, Ho, HoFocus at a boxer’s school OBEDIENCE [boxer = dog]
Coming-out party? GAY [party=individual]
Pen name BIC
Class-conscience gps.? PTAS
Formerly, formerly ERST [oldie but goodie]
Theme: short
i substituted for by long
e in phrases
Polish protector? SHEENGUARD
Red-costumed actor in “Veggie Tales”? BEETPLAYER
Meryl as a coquette? STREEPTEASE
37-Across and 37-Down are the same clue, and I thought I had, as usual, misread across for down.
Source of a vital supply RESERVOIR [don’t know why “vital” is part of the clue --- any number of adjectives might do: extra, small, useless, liquid, gaseous…
Three grins = Excellent: Loved it; Two grins = Good: Enjoyed it; One grin = Satisfactory: A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Unsatisfying: No fun