THEME: none, but four triples
GOOD ONES: Short and sweet, e.g. ADJs
BTW: Wedding to-do list item ORDER A LIMO [we order a cake and rent a limo, but I guess we order a rental]
Haberdashery supply TIE PINS [yes, and they sit at the bottom of jewelry boxes of old men around the country, so I'd add "once"]
Employment org. of 1935 WPA [the 21st Century version was "shovel-ready jobs," but the president "says more in a minute then he will stand to in a month"] (Forgive the politics but not the Shakespeare.)
What this puzzle lacked in clever clues it compensated for by tough ones.
Three grins = Loved it; Two grins = Enjoyed it; One grin = A bit bland for my taste; One teardrop = Not much fun